Business Advisement Program Services

The CBI offers three types of business advisement programs:

1) Development of a business plan and identification of business needs,

2) Coaching, mentoring and facilitation, and

3) Monitoring Tenant progress.

As part of the application process, the candidates for the CBI program submit a business plan for evaluation. Assistance is provided to help the candidate develop his or her plan. This assistance will also help the candidate identify business needs

A CBI Tenant has access to a network of CBI volunteers with executive business backgrounds. Volunteers in the network will work with the CBI Tenant by coaching, mentoring, and facilitating. It is not the goal of any CBI volunteer to do the work for any Tenant, but to make each Tenant self-sufficient by  expanding their own problem solving abilities and skills.

Coaches and mentors provide feedback to help the CBI Tenant develop a business plan, adopt an appropriate accounting system, resolve operations management issues, establish networking alliances, formulate a marketing plan, and assist in capital planning and identifying financial resources. CBI volunteers and staff will facilitate access to banks, venture capitalists, and financial capital investment firms. CBI Tenants need to be open to take advice and accept critical feedback. The CBI will promote an atmosphere that includes sharing, support, openness to ideas; and friendly relations among Tenants  and other clients, such as brown bag lunches, networking fairs, and CEO forums.

The CBI mentors will monitor a Tenant's progress and on a recurring basis evaluate the progress a Tenant is making in achieving the goals in the business plan and monthly operating goals. Adjustment to goals and objectives of the business plan will be made to help the CBI Tenant meet their business objectives.


© 2025 Cumberland Business Incubator. All rights reserved.

2569 Cook Road
Crossville, Tennessee 38571
(931) 456 - 4910