
The Cumberland Business Incubator’s birth is a result from the interest, comittment, dedication, and hard work of numerous indvidiual’s and organizations.

In 2003 the City of Crossville’s Mayor J.H. Graham began consulting with Dr. Carl Muellar about the importance of stimulating business development and success by through the establishment of a business incubator in Cumberland County.

In 2004 Dr. Muellar met with Cumberland County Mayor Brock Hill and discussed the idea of creating  a business incubator. Mayor Hill thought the idea was outstanding; outstanding but agreed with Mayor Graham that an incubator would require financing and program coordination, however, both mayors realized that an incubator project would require financing and program coordination. ..

At the same time, Robert Safdie, a faculty member in the Business and Technology Division at Roane State Community College (and a member of the Cumberland County Board of Education) began engaging his faculty peers in conversations on how the community college system could enhance its degree programs in business.  An obvious avenue would be to provide an inexpensive location for startup businesses and free advisement services. 

Professor Brad Fox, the lead teacher in the entrepreneur program at Roane State, agreed that providing small start-up businesses with affordable facilities and services was a natural extension of the college’s business program. They felt that pre-and post-secondary internships and linkages to business faculty would be a tremendous advantage to entrepreneurs starting businesses.

In the early months of 2005, at the suggestion of Mayors Hill and Graham, Dr. Muellar, Professors Safdie and Fox met to discuss a common interest – the business incubator. They concluded that both Mayors were supportive of the idea and that Roane State’s assets could help direct the program. Safdie and Fox began advancing the new concept of business incubation with Roane State’s administration, while both Mayors began introducing the idea to their respective councilmen and commissioners. .

In mid-2005 the newly appointed President of Roane State, Dr. Gary Goff brought a history of valuable work experience, skills, and new leadership to Roane State. He was completely familiar with the benefit of a business incubator program having served on the Board of Directors for a business incubator in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Goff understood that an “incubator” program would require a network of partnerships, financial support, and a great deal of teamwork. He talked to Dr. Robert Bell, President of Tennessee Technological University, whose staff had successfully created a virtual business incubator and TTU’s Business Media Center. They both agreed that a business incubator in Cumberland County could be an outstanding tool for economic development. Jim Purcell, Director of the Tennessee Technology Center in Crossville, was also contacted and agreed to help in whatever ways possible. Professors Fox and Safdie volunteered to organize an incubator task force to advance the project. The newly created task force held focus groups with its community stakeholders to introduce business incubation.

A cooperative relationship was established among various task force members.. In 2005 participants met at Tennessee Technological University and signed a Memorandum of Agreement to participate in and promote the development of the CBI. The participating entities became known as the CBI partners. The CBI partners were Roane State Community College, Tennessee Technological University, Tennessee Technology Center, Chamber of Commerce, Cumberland County government, City of Crossville government, and the Cumberland County School System. .

The events that transpired between the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement in 2005 and the opening of the facility in July, 2011 are too numerous to detail. Milestones, however, are important to note.

  • Dr. Goff authorized Deborah Miller, grant writer for Roane State, to pursue federal funding opportunities. At his request, the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR)  was asked to consider use of a 3.1 acre parcel of land for the incubator on the campus of Roane State Community College in Crossville. Professor Fox was given partial release time to assist with project development.
  • Mayor Brock Hill worked with state agencies to generate funding for architectural drawings, and a feasibility study. He led the County Commission in its pledge of $250.000 for its initial construction. 
  • Continuing to support the incubator project, Mayor Graham and the Crossville City Council also pledged $250,000 for its construction.
  • Millard Oakley was instrumental in obtaining the first $15,000.00 grant from Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to support the incubator. ARC’s money was used for CBI equipment and to fund a summer boot camp for middle school children to teach entrepreneurship. The Crossville  City Council committed funds to continue the Mind Your Own Business summer youth program in years that followed.
  • Professor Fox, partnering with Deborah Miller pursued and successfully obtained $880,000 the federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) in June 2009. EDA stated that they were impressed with the partnerships and matching contributions provided by the City, County and State. 
  • Professor Safdie, working with Lou Rabinowitz (Roane State’s Director of Workforce Connections), Danny Gibbs (Roane State’s Finance Director), and Kim Chamberlin (Plateau Design Group’s Architect for the project) began the post-grant follow up documentation so construction could begin. Safdie was designated as the Director of the Cumberland Business Incubator. Jutta Bangs was assigned to work with Professor Safdie and assist with start-up support and business advisement to CBI client through the Small business Development Center (SBDC).
  • Aarona Vanwinkle (Director of Schools) approved the integration of Junior Achievement in the Cumberland County elementary schools encouraging each principal to consider the merits of the program.  With the volunteer leadership of Rich Soenen, this initiative began in the schools in 2009.  
  • In continuing support of the incubator Dr. Bob Bell (President of TTU) approved three of his key staff members involvement with the incubator.  Vicki Henley  (Director of the SBDC) supported CBI’s infrastructure development and tenant advisement. Kevin Liska  (TTU’s Director of the Business Media Center) provided  CBI’s web site design and development. Dr. Jordon-Wagner  (Dean of the College of Business) held responsibility for exploring internship opportunities as well as business faculty linkages to the CBI.
  • Don Sadler (Director of the Tennessee Technological Center) committed his organization to assist in the customization of office space for CBI clients, explore internship possibilities, and partner with Roane State to study the community benefits of an agricultural kitchen.
  • The Crossville/Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce committed to promote the incubator in its economic development strategies. 
  • In January of 2010, EDA approved all phases of the building plan and authorized Roane State to begin the bid process and groundbreaking occurred in July 2010. 
  • The CBI opened its doors for business on July 14th, 2011 with a ribbon-cutting and community celebration.



© 2025 Cumberland Business Incubator. All rights reserved.

2569 Cook Road
Crossville, Tennessee 38571
(931) 456 - 4910